Share Your World – 2015 Week 46

Time for some levity, I think, something light-hearted, nothing heavy. The sun is shining today and I am working to shake my doom and gloom mood, to find a whiff of fresh air – what better way to do this than to Share my World as Cee suggests?

1. What type of popular candy you do not like to get? I really don’t like candy unless it’s chocolate, maybe occasionally a little licorice. The hard candies that seem to always show up at Christmas are meant, in my opinion, only for decoration, certainly not for eating. The candy corn that seems to be a part of Halloween (or was when I was a kid) is not something I care to eat now as an adult. Chocolate, gotta be chocolate.

2. What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $500? I think I’m going to go with Cee here – a trip to the coast would be my most enjoyable way to spend $500. An oceanfront place to stay, time with people I care about and my big furry girls, walks on the beach, meals eaten with a view of the ocean – yep, that would be my most enjoyable way. There is something about the coast that fills my heart and soul with joy, with feelings of hope.

3. Where do you eat breakfast? Breakfast for me is usually after I’ve been up for two or three hours and will be something simple and easy – maybe a bagel with creamed cheese, or a bowl of instant oatmeal, a bowl of granola (homemade, of course) and vanilla yogurt, maybe when I’m feeling quite ambitious a couple of scrambled eggs – always, always eaten in the morning room, by my window, looking out at my bird tree. I must confess, though, that breakfast is one of my favorite meals to eat out, and when I do that I get a full-on breakfast with bacon/sausage, eggs, toast and hash browns or country fries.

4. Would you rather ride one of the worlds longest zip lines or bungee jump one of the highest in the world? This will come with a 5-day all expense vacation. A 5-day all expense paid vacation? Oh wow! Then I think I will go to Costa Rica, to one of their rain forests, and do the zip line. No bungee for me – that looks tremendously jolting and hard on the body, not to mention that dropping down into the unknown (which is different somehow, in my mind, to the gliding down into the unknown on a zip line) would be heart attack time.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am grateful to have had last week, in a part of the world not likely to be overrun by terrorists. I am looking forward to a week that brings nothing but peace and gentle thoughts, time looking out my window on a quiet place, watching the birds, with my furry girls.

My most recent evening visitor was the buck Mule Deer – sometimes he and the doe come together, sometimes separately, although I suspect when I think there is only one of them, the other is simply lurking back in the scrub where he/she cannot be seen.

The other morning, when the rain was attempting to become snow, the squirrel’s tail became a good umbrella, keeping his back warm and dry.

There was also a mixed group for breakfast

with the sentry to alert them in case of danger.

Here’s to a week of enough!

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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12 Responses to Share Your World – 2015 Week 46

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Enjoy your sun today. We have sun right now too. Nice break from the rain. Although I don’t mind the rain, the wind that came with this last blast was horrible. I always enjoy reading your responses. Have a calm week. 😀


  2. Dawn says:

    These seem like very sensible answers, similar to what I might say. Great photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for a breath of fresh air. We definitely need to move on and put negative thoughts behind us. I am with you on the candy. Dark chocolate and good black licorice are the only things worth busting my diet for. The one hard candy I like is Werthers hard caramel. As for breakfast, I keep it simple most days. A favorite splurge would be pancakes and homefries or a customized omelet. Ocean vacations are always my go to, but please tell me how I can get one for $500.Must be the best kept secret. As always, I enjoy your pictures.Glad to see you’re in better spirits.


  4. LG says:

    I like the share your world idea. How does one go about it? Just puck up the questions, say, from here, and answer them?


  5. Carol — It would be the zip line for me toooooooooooo


  6. Lovely post as always. I never eat sweets…except Swedish or Finnish salty liquorice. I’m lucky in New Zealand…the coast is never far away.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It would be the zip line for me too – there is no way I would do a bungee jump! I’ve done quite a long zip line in Scotland, and enjoyed it (apart from the landing which I haven’t quite got the hang of!).

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Karma says:

    Enjoyed your answers as I always do, Fun pictures too! What kind of bird is that in the last photo?


  9. Heather says:

    Tony is convinced that candy corn is an elaborate joke. The older I get, the less I like really sweet things – with the exception of this caramel puff corn a friend brought me. That stuff is dangerous.
    I would definitely zip line. Much more time to enjoy the views.
    That deer is regal – what a lovely visitor 🙂 We miss those visitors now that we live in town…

    Liked by 1 person

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