As My Mind Wanders

Time flies, and suddenly here we are in the middle of April. I wish I had exciting to tales to tell about those weeks that have zipped past, but the truth is, my life is very quiet and could be considered boring – if you are younger and more energetic than I am. I am happy with the quiet.

The broken fibula is healing – very slowly, but most of the swelling has gone down and there is no pain. The doctor says it will take a long time for the swelling to go away completely. The good news is that I get to graduate from the big, ugly, clumsy boot to a fabric ankle support in a week or two. I cannot say I’ll miss the fashion statement of this big boot.

Our weather is still a bit of a roller coaster – more springlike some days than others. On the nicer ones, when I feel like it, I’m working on getting the patio cleaned up, plants in new pots, trying to make it a pretty, enjoyable place to spend time. We severed the grape vines last fall, because as pretty as they are, they make a terrible mess. We’re thinking about planting a different vine that will not droop squishy fruits all over the patio. Maybe some gourds, maybe a Virginia Creeper. There are choices.

This morning I walked around the house, checking out the plantings in the border. We had an unusually cold spell this winter, and I think we lost some things in that cold. The lavender isn’t coming back, but I have a floribunda rose to put in that spot.

Our wee dogwood tree, getting ready to share its first blooms:

I’ve been spending some time weaving, right now I’m doing some kitchen towels to fill a special order.

And some time reading. A good friend introduced me to Louise Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache series, so I’ve been reading those, interspersed with other fiction works that hold my attention, books that come with my Kindle Unlimited subscription. Because then, you know, if it doesn’t please me within the first few chapters, I don’t feel bad closing it and sending it back. I don’t always need to plod through a hundred pages to wonder why I spent my time that way.

I’m still avoiding news. Because it’s torture. I do read a little news, carefully selected, and this morning I read that this Congress is the least productive in history – are we surprised? Otherwise, I wish the election over, because it’s just filling me with fear for this country.

So when I need a refill of my hope chamber, I look to my little lemon tree, which has ten baby lemons on it and a few new blossoms. If offers a hope for renewal.

Thank you for spending some time with me – I hope your world is sunny and filled with enough.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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7 Responses to As My Mind Wanders

  1. dawnkinster says:

    It all sounds so peaceful. I’m glad you brought your fountain to your new home. I always loved that fountain! The patio looks like you have room for lots of plants. Will you plant flowers or vegetables in the raised beds? I watch the news for a bit, maybe 10 minutes, in the morning just to see if the world blew up. Then I don’t watch much but HGTV at night. I do sometimes feel like I don’t know what’s going on…and it’s true I don’t always. But there’s enough hints in friend’s facebook posts that if something big really did happen I’ll probably know pretty quick.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carol says:

      I’m going to plant flowers in the raised beds – Supertunias, a grass or two, Sweet Potato Vine, maybe a Mandevilla, not sure what else yet. At the far end of the patio there are two boxes for planting, and I think I’ll put wildflowers in them. Clematis and gourds in the little side yard, maybe a trumpet vine. Depends on what calls my name when I’m at the nursery.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely photos Carol. Glad to hear you are on the mend and can give the Boot the boot soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lois says:

    Your gardens are so pretty and colorful. And the dogwood…we only have white dogwoods down here, but the pink is so much prettier, I think.

    The news…I cannot turn away. It is a sick obsession, and I am worried, too. I need to stop and go work in my yard.

    Glad you can give the boot the boot, but also glad you are healing well.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karma says:

    Enjoyed your hopeful look at spring. It does fill us with promise of growth and renewal at times when that is just what we need. I, too, avoid the news as much as possible, and often find out if something “big” has happened through posts on FB. Love the little lemons and the tiny dogwood blooms!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Joanne says:

    Your lemon tree looks really healthy, Carol! Be patient with those lemons, they will take a while to mature. I have a tree down the back yard which is full of green lemons and they seem to be taking forever to ripen! (I’m the impatient one, actually. 😉 )

    Your garden is looking so colourful and I am especially looking forward to seeing your floribunda rose when it blooms. 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lisa says:

    Happy you are weaving. Your pieces are so gorgeous. I’m trying to avoid the news too but it’s so in your face and everywhere! I wish both presumed candidates were removed and replaced on the ballot. I don’t even recognize this country anymore with all the division and ideological wars. But your patio looks like it will be an oasis this summer!

    Liked by 1 person

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