Wouldn’t It Be Nice

Warning: this post might contain a rant. Or two.

If: February could provide just a few more days of sunshine? Because by February I always have developed a major case of Cabin Fever, and the only cure for that is sunshine.

If: Our Vlad cat wouldn’t decide to lord his masculinity over our female cats? He’s the youngest, and sometimes that testosterone gets him in trouble. He’s been fixed, but sometimes it seems he doesn’t realize that and he thinks he’s the boss.

If: Our government could actually function as it was designed to function? You know, like thinking about the good of the country and its people – ranking both over the “good” of their particular political party. And their personal power.

If: While that government is functioning as it was meant to, they could actually come up with, agree on, and pass a realistic budget for the whole year, instead of coming up with monthly, temporary, no one is happy with, budgets?

If: After dinner, the dishes would magically take care of themselves? Yes, there is the dishwasher, but it requires that a human load it, start it, and then empty it and put the dishes away. I don’t know why, but cleaning up dishes feels like a major chore. And then, once it’s been done, I always feel so much pleasure because it’s an instant improvement – albeit a temporary one. Just like most housework.

If: once my laundry is done, I could wiggle my nose and everything would be put away, neatly and in an organized fashion? Especially things like socks. At least I only have to deal with socks during the cold months. Are you getting the hint that household chores are not my favorite?

If: Viable, honorable, ethical people could be nominated to run for president? Like Martin Sheen’s Josiah Barton in the TV show West Wing. Yeah, I’m a dreamer.

If: I could figure out why our Roomba thinks its bin needs to be emptied? It’s empty, and I can’t find a clog anywhere along the lines to the bin where it deposits its debris. I might have to talk to one of its customer support people – hopefully that could be done online. Too many years of working a job that required a lot of time on the phone has made me have an intense dislike for phone calls.

Off topic, but to add a note of cheer, I bought myself some Primula plants for in the house. If spring won’t appear outside my window, I’ll create some inside:

Wishing you a day filled with enough.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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10 Responses to Wouldn’t It Be Nice

  1. I am with you on all of those. Sometimes being fixed doesn’t seem to stop male cats from being bossy. Our Tigerwoods likes to intimidate the other pets especially Panther. We had to move her upstairs to live even though she and Polly don’t get on. He was stalking her all over the downstairs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Karma says:

    Love the color you bought for yourself. I may need to do the same.
    I agree with your thoughts too – especially the one about the dishes! Since moving to my apartment I no longer have a dishwasher and my sink is rather shallow so it gets full rather quickly. Ugh!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Karma says:

      In fact Carol,I just bought a funny dish towel on vacation that expresses the dish sentiment perfectly. I can show you a picture but I don’t know how you (and WordPress) feel about cussing! 😆


      • Carol says:

        I’ve been known to release a word or two now and then, more emphatically with certain triggers, but I don’t know how tolerant WordPress is.


  3. Joanne says:

    The primulas are a lovely dash of bright colour in your winter-weary home, Carol. How is your lemon tree going – any developed fruit yet?

    Liked by 1 person

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