Share Your World – May 28, 2018

Had I decided to play with Cee On THE day, I would be wishing you a holiday filled with love and loving memories – but as usual, I did not join in on THE day, so here I am, hoping you had a pleasant holiday. And now, on to Cee’s questions.

If you were to pack a basket for pinic lunch, what would be in your basket? Who is it that’s joining me for this picnic lunch? If it’s an adult affair, I would pack wine, water, cheese, crusty bread, and fresh fruits. If children were involved, I would add sandwiches and chips for them. For everyone, I would include some kind of decadent chocolate dessert.

On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep? A comfy bed with clean bedding. I have vacationed in tents and the back of a station wagon “back in the day”, but my creaky old body now wants comfort. I don’t require fancy, but a little coddling is always appreciated.

If you were to buy a new house/apartment what is the top three items on your wish list? My very top wish would be oceanfront or at least waterfront. I would like some outdoor space – a small patio from which I could see the water would be just fine. I would not want a lot of space, but I’d like two bedrooms, and a space to sleep at least two other people some times. A fireplace would be a bonus. Eat in kitchen, where I suspect most often the table would be a craft space, and I’d eat, as I do now, in my comfy chair.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week? Pictures are worth a thousand words, so let me share a tour of my yard that made me smile.

Spirea in my windmill bed.


Mountain Ash

Some of the lilacs

The first peony bloom

Woo Hoo, the first tomato to ripen. I cheated though, I bought a plant already loaded with little tomatoes. The question is, once these ripen, will there be more?

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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7 Responses to Share Your World – May 28, 2018

  1. puppy1952 says:

    Love your garden 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carol — I’d picnic with you in a heartbeat!


  3. Cee Neuner says:

    I so adore it when I see photos of your yard. Thanks Carol for sharing this week. 😀


  4. dawnkinster says:

    Your garden and yard are beautiful! And you have tomatoes already. Here they just went in the ground this weekend. If you have anything chocolate I’ll picnic with you.


    • Carol says:

      I only have tomatoes because I bought the plant with the most tomatoes. Mine are in pots on a deck – living in the Basin, where frost can (and has) happened every month of the year, is a challenge, and I’ve given up planting a real garden.

      Sent from my iPad



  5. Laura says:

    100% yes to the coddling. I’m cool without fancy but no bed or air conditioning? No thanks. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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