Observations From the Deck

I have spent my day much as I usually do – a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Some laundry, some vacuuming, some playing with alcohol inks, my newest passion – looking for my voice. Preparation of a cold Mediterranean type salad for dinner – to be served with – ready, you gour-mets out there? hot dogs! Hot dogs – yes. Because I often do not eat meat, and when I decided I wanted some meat with tonight’s dinner, I had little time for defrosting, you see. And hot dogs just – appealed.

As is my custom on warm days, I just spent some time on my front deck, where I often enjoy a beer, or a glass of wine, or maybe a Chai Latte, hot or cold, or whatever my little heart says it wants on that day – assuming I have what my little heart says it wants. Sometimes it comes up with wants that I cannot fulfill. Then it has to learn about reality. A lesson it avoids as often as possible.

While sitting on my deck with my furry girls, I realized that what happens with me when I am out there alone is the very thing that named this blog – my mind, elusive at its very best, wanders. Various places. No accounting, no reason, it just goes as it sees fit. Blown about, perhaps, by the rather stiff but very pleasant breeze on this perfect-temperature day. It’s 77 out there – a serious change from the less-pleasant 95+ degree days we were having.

Oh – where was I? Oh yes – the wandering of my mind, such as it is. For a time, I am entertained by the hummingbirds as the flit here and there, chattering all the way. Then, a moment of silence – before they once again flit about, chattering all the way. There are Rufous and Anna’s Hummingbirds – in the shade of the pines, told apart as they flit largely only by size, the Anna’s being a bit bigger. For the most part, they are not terribly good hosts and hostesses, the occasions where they will sit side by side enjoying a bit of nourishment being few and far between. The males, in particular, seem bent on declaring territorial rights. Sadly, there was a juvenile male Rufous lying on the deck when I went out – obviously he dashed too quickly into the window. Still, the numbers flitting about are not few.

I thought a bit about a couple of books I’ve read recently. I first read I Have Sand in all the Wrong Places by Lisa Scottoline and her daughter, Francesca Serritella – apologies, Francesca, if I did not get your last name correct. I have read some of Lisa’s novels, largely those that do not involve a continuing character, and enjoyed them. This one, however, was completely different – written with chapters involving random topics, alternating between mother and daughter, with diversions off-topic scattered throughout – rather a stream-of-consciousness style of writing with great humor. Mother and daughter obviously have a close relationship, a very strong connection, which called to me – perhaps because I feel blessed to have the same thing with my daughter. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was prompted to purchase another which I’ve not yet read. I believe it’s titled Meet Me at Emotional Baggage Claim – I would check that, but I’m too lazy to go look at what my iPad Kindle app tells me.

Today, I finished a book titled All the Missing Girls by – okay, now I do need to go see what Kindle says, excuse me for just a moment, please – by Megan Miranda. It starts out, goes to a point, then begins again, only at the end and moves backward to the beginning. Or the end of the beginning before it went to the end. You understand, right? Well, let me tell you, this was indeed, as advertised, a psychological thriller. I started it yesterday afternoon and put it down because duty called after an hour or so, but picked it up instead of turning on TV to watch that final episode of Food Network Star, and read until my eyes refused to stay open last night. I picked it up at lunch today – have I ever told you that’s a habit I developed during childhood that lingers on still – the reading while I eat when I’m alone? Anyway, I picked it up at lunch today, thinking I only had a few pages left, but it seems I really remembered nothing of what I read in the last couple of chapters last night. Apparently my brain went to sleep before it notified me it was time. I finished the book. Just so you know, it was not the characters I feared it might be. That’s all there is to say.

Food Network Star awaits me tonight. Again, just so you won’t worry about my missing that final episode – the crowning of the new “Food Network Star”!

There were more thoughts – how nice the lawn looks for a day or so after it’s cut (I mowed yesterday); how my flower beds are running wild and what I should do about it – then, what I probably will do about it. They are not the same. Changes I could make. It’s so easy to plan work while sitting. But planning involves a lot of time and thinking – one doesn’t want to rush into changes too quickly. Because obviously, one rushed into creating all these flower beds far too quickly when one was much younger, failing to take the time to recognize that time passes, changes to the body, the mind, and the interest levels, happen, and what seems an exciting challenge now might just later be a major drag; might later become something that requires a lot more motivation than I am able to muster up. Anyone know where I can find some motivation? Maybe by the case? Thoughts about how the jackrabbits have a relatively regular schedule, but questions about why sometimes he comes alone and sometimes he brings his partner. And where are all those quail and their young that I was seeing last week?

Then. Reality sets in. Furry girls want dinner. NOW.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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17 Responses to Observations From the Deck

  1. lakeafton says:

    Love your writing. So much is true for me too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dawnkinster says:

    Ah…I relate. We too have too many flower beds, with their never ending weeding requirements. And a big lawn that DOES look nice after it’s cut for a day or two. And a furry little one that always wants dinner NOW. But this week I am content to sit and watch the lake and that is enough. Enjoy your porch time, I’ll be enjoying my deck time. Kinda the same.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. loisajay says:

    Ha! I love how your mind thinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Carol ā€” It was pleasant to tag along with your mind’s journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. LG says:

    God, I wish could go on that journey. The moment I sit down, the mind irritatingly reminds me about the million things that I have to do (sometimes I don’t even “have” to do them, that’s the worst part) and I am up on my metaphoric feet again. I think I have a disease of “doing all the time”. How I yearn for that hour of doing nothing, sipping chai or wine and looking out aimlessly at whatever, and just letting the mind wander. I wonder if I would ever find that mental space.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Carol says:

    It takes years of practice, kids grown up and on their own, no one to answer to but myself (and the furry girls), and, perhaps, age.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thouroughly enjoyable post, Carol. Just perfect and meandering for the kind of mood I am in today. Just got through a busy family reunion weekend and ready to relax a bit with no agenda today. Maybe I will check out one of those books you mentioned for my beach vacay next week. I am overly due for a breath of ocean air.


  8. suzicate says:

    There is just something soothing about sitting on the deck, or in the yard, while drinking a beer or glass of wine and communing with nature….ahhhhh…and you live in such a beautiful place to enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. My mind does a very similar thing – wandering all over the place – sometimes when I should be concentrating on something else! I also read if I am eating alone – I’ve done that for as long as I can remember.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kathy says:

    I did so enjoy following your mind along that rambling wandering, Carol. It can be so relaxing to just allow those thoughts to wander–not to direct them to stay here, here or HERE. Did you know some people get anxious with too much thought-wandering? I like it a lot, especially with a late afternoon glass of wine!


  11. dishdessert says:

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  12. Karma says:

    I always enjoy stream of consciousness blogging, which it seems you’ve created for us here! But no photo? How unusual for you! šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  13. pattisj says:

    Back to reality again! LOL We removed one of our flower beds this summer. It bordered the property line, new neighbors moved in, and it was the hardest for me to maintain with the weeds trying to take over.

    Liked by 1 person

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