While the Sun Was Still in Our Skies

We have had a week of gray skies and rain now, and it’s beginning to be oppressive. I find myself feeling very unsettled this morning – so I’m hoping a trip back to last week, when the sun was still in our skies, might help.

When husband and I first moved to south-central Oregon and I decided I needed to get a job for a few more years, I went to work for Train Mountain, a local 1/8 scale railroad club in our area – a club that is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most miles of track in this scale. It is a membership club, which hosts several train meets per year and welcomes member volunteers to work on the track at any time. I worked in the office there for six years. Because it is situated on 2500 acres of land, it seemed to me it would be a good place for Shasta and I to go to walk during non-meet times, so I visited the office last week to make sure that would be okay and then, on a day when the sun shone brightly, took Shasta with me to get some exercise.

Once we were out in what felt like the wilderness, and since no one was around, I let her off leash and we both explored.

She found critter holes to investigate, but came up empty-mouthed

We walked past the local steel mill

Found Manzanita already beginning to bloom – the end of January, and there are blossoms! Woe be to the poor bush if we get a hard frost.

Walked a mile or so of track (I think, I did not have my pedometer then)

saw a big Ponderosa Pine that went out of its way to accommodate – what? I do not know.

And ventured down the line of track known as Dog Walk. Appropriate, don’t you think?

We had walked for a little more than an hour, so it was time to head back home – time to go back and get in a quick nap before we took Bailey out for her daily much shorter walk.

I think the sun brings with it energy, because on these gray days I am lazy.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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24 Responses to While the Sun Was Still in Our Skies

  1. keaneonlife says:

    Oh, dear. You missed that 15 minutes of blue sky yesterday? Sorry. πŸ˜‰


  2. Mama Cormier says:

    I know what you mean. I woke up to grey skies this morning. It is now 1:30 and I’m still in my pyjamas and I’ve only walked 330 steps. That’s very bad. I’m about to get dressed and go for a walk with the dog.


  3. Cee Neuner says:

    Your photos brought sun back into my life. It must have been fun working at the rail station. πŸ™‚ Your last photo is so sweet and cute.


  4. suzicate says:

    Yes, the sun does bring energy. We finally got some here this weekend, and I was able to get out both days and do a few miles. Sadly, I’d let myself get out of shape and now I’m sore.


  5. HI Carol,
    I love the photos of the sunshine–can almost smell the carpet of sun-warmed pine needles. Today in Seattle we are getting a rare day of sunshine in between rainy days, but the rain is supposed to start up again tomorrow. When did you work at Train Mountain? I wonder if you might know my friend Pat’s husband, Richard Peterson. He goes dot spend time at Train Mountain frequently, and has built his own train track on his property in Port Angeles.


  6. jay53 says:

    That looks like a wonderful place to walk! Love the picture of the pines .. so peaceful.

    We have a bush in the garden in full bloom, and it’s scented. It was chosen because it blooms in January and February. It’s so nice to see – and smell – the flowers on dull days. The blue tits were busy chewing half of them off the other day though! I can’t remember the name of it now .. I think it might be a viburnum of some sort.


  7. lakeafton says:

    I love the picture of Shasta taking her nap.


  8. Heather says:

    The sun definitely brings energy! My mom likes to say that she’s solar-powered. I fear it’s a genetic condition.
    Your photos make your world seem so open. Even without the early bloomer, your photos show such life. Is that a hint of real spring fever I sense coming on? I hope not – it’s still decidedly winter here!


  9. I love that you and your furry companions get out and enjoy the fresh air as much and as often as you can!


  10. Robin says:

    I agree! The sun makes a huge difference in attitude and energy. We’re under cloud cover here again today. I thoroughly enjoyed this walk with you and Shasta. I love that wonky pine tree. πŸ™‚


  11. The sun has been missing here many of the last few days. Your sunny pictures, without a hint of snow, were very pleasing. Train Mountain sounds like an interesting club. Kind of for those who outgrew their Lionel models? I wonder if there are similar clubs on the East coast. Although they would be buried under mounds of snow until the Spring here.


    • Carol says:

      There are smaller local 1/8th scale clubs all over the world. Train Mountain has members from all over the USA and many other countries, many of whom bring their own equipment when they visit.


  12. Grey days make me lazy too. 😦
    I am so looking forward to sun and warmer weather.
    That tree is crazy and I love the shot with the parallel tracks. Cool. πŸ˜‰
    Cheer up. The sun’ll come out, tomorrow 🎢🎢🎢🎢


  13. Jayne says:

    Too many grey days and I get into a bit of a mental fug (SAD syndrome sufferer here). Fortunately this winter has has been kind so far – it’s brass monkey weather out there but it *is* mostly sunny. I like the photo of the ‘local steel mill’. Wow, what a big dog you have! πŸ˜‰


  14. Lisa says:

    Sun or no sun, it sounds like it was a very peaceful stroll. I feel more relaxed now. πŸ™‚


  15. I don’t know what’s worse: cabin fever due to grey, rainy days or due to cold, icy winter days. We are more dependent on the sun than we care to admit. πŸ™‚


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