Share Your World – Week 36

Wouldn’t you think that eventually Cee would run out of questions or we would run out of answers? Apparently not – much to my pleasure!

1. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? I think I’d have to say flying in a commercial airliner. It seems it used to be a lot more comfortable than it is now, and squished into a seat with my chin resting on my knees for hours is just not my idea of fun. This is referring to American airliners, of course – it seems to me when we flew on Korean Air to Beijing it was not so uncomfortable.

2. Where do you like to vacation? Oh goodness! Wherever I can. Near the ocean is wonderful, but touring places I haven’t been and seeing new sights anyplace sounds good to me. A vacation sounds good to me. Somewhere where someone else cooks and cleans for me.

3. Which place do you recommend as a Must-See? Please state which country, state or providence. The Oregon Coast. Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills in South Dakota. The Badlands in North Dakota. The Grand Canyon in Arizona. Pikes Peak in Colorado. Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I think it matters less where you go as how closely you are seeing. Our world is full of amazing sights.

4. If money was not an issue, would you go on a cruise? If so where would you go? If money was not an issue, I would need to live many, many more years to see all I would like to see. A cruise has never been on the top of my list, but friends did the Panama Canal and loved it – as well as Alaska, the cruise that includes some inland touring. I could do those without a whimper. But I might want to check the references of the captain, crew and cruise company first. I’d prefer not to get stuck out in the middle of an ocean with no power, food or water.

Today’s photos will focus on cats, those in my family and one other.

The non-family member first – this is Cleopatra, who is part Seal Point Siamese and part ? – she visited the Artistic One with her mom and dad the other day.


This is Gep’s Juan (Won) Carlos – although you cannot tell by the name, she is a she. The girl my son picked up while in South Korea.


This is Kat’s first little Korean girl, Jinny Joo Joo something or other, because I cannot remember the last word. In Korean, it means Pearl Cat. You’ll note a similarity in choice of places to rest with Gep’s Juan Won.

This is Kat’s second, most recent Korean adoptee. He is called Goguma, which means Sweet Potato.



And, of course, you’ve all met my independent, great white huntress, definitely not a cuddle kitty, Lily.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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10 Responses to Share Your World – Week 36

  1. Heather says:

    I think flying is the worst, too. Not only is it uncomfortable, they are less on time than any doctor’s office, and they lie to you about why. Blech.
    I agree with you about the seeing thing for #3. One could go a thousand places and it wouldn’t matter if one weren’t engaged in seeing.
    I think your grand kitties might be related to mine. They have a love of sink swirling, too 😉


  2. Peggy says:

    I am with you on the flying and cruise ships… not for me. The cats are so cute. Our cat like to get in the sink too. I guess it is a cool place and feels good.


  3. Cee Neuner says:

    I am so with you on flying. Did you know I used to live by Pike’s Peak? Thanks for sharing!


    • Carol says:

      No, Cee, I didn’t know that. I lived nearby as a teenager and I remember going to an Easter sunrise service at Pikes Peak. Froze to death because I wore sleeveless – style being more important than common sense.



  4. lisa says:

    What is it about cats and sinks? Ours prefer them as well. The grandkitties are adorable. Are they with you now until the kids come home? As for a must-see vacay spots, there are so many marvelous places to see in this world! You’ve touched on some great places.


  5. LG says:

    Just reading about flying makes me queasy. I probably have the worst flight sickness among humans.


  6. Trisha says:

    I’d love to go to all the places on your Must-See list!


  7. Kathy says:

    Oh look at the kitties in the sink! Wishing you many vacations in many places. I think, someday, that will come to happen.


  8. Karma says:

    Sink-kitties crack me up! Thanks for sharing.


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