Share Your World – 2/19/2018

I think I’m setting a new personal best here – posting in response to Cee’s challenge on the very same day the challenge was issued! We got snow yesterday, so it’s a perfect day to stay inside where it’s dry and warm – except I will have to go do some snow shoveling. later.

How do you like your eggs? As usual, that depends. If I’m having eggs for breakfast, I usually go for over medium. Don’t like runny whites at all. If I’m putting eggs in my salad or just want an egg for a quick snack between meals, I want them hard-boiled. If I’m having eggs for dinner, I’ll usually fix them as a frittata or an omelet. Except tonight, when I plan to have some leftover hash browns, bacon, and eggs over medium.

Have you ever met anyone famous? Maybe. Casually. Quickly. Kind of. Like, getting an autograph after a concert by Sonny James (how many of you remember him?) 100 years ago. I saw Robert Redford in a restaurant in New York City once, from a distance. Does that count?

What was the first thing you bought with your own money? Oh, like I could remember that? That was so many years ago. Probably something frivolous like a kid would do, with babysitting money. When finally a sort-of adult just out of business school working in an insurance agency, I bought clothes for work. My mother had always made my clothes or I got my hand-me-downs from a cousin, so buying clothes was exciting. That didn’t last long, and I started making my own clothes. Until the price of fabrics got too high to make it worthwhile.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week? Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. I appreciated daily conversations via email or text messaging with both of my kids. I appreciated Shasta snuggling with me in bed. Yesterday while the snow fell and the wind blew I appreciated having a warm house to stay inside. Then I appreciated watching Shasta play in the snow when we went for a wee walk – like just down the driveway because, after all, I had to shovel the porch and one of the decks.

This is how it looked outside my window when I got up:

Our walk:

Shasta playing in the snow – she was doing the snowplow routine just before I snapped the picture:

Then there was this view of the sun trying really hard to show its face:

All of these were taken with my iPhone – I dropped my camera the other day and now it keeps giving me an error message when I try to turn it on. Thank goodness for new smart phones!

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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11 Responses to Share Your World – 2/19/2018

  1. Love the photos of Shasta!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cee Neuner says:

    I remember when buying a dress, rather than sewn or hand-me-down, was a treat. 😀 Just think Carol, you actually responded within an hour of me posting SYW. Yippee!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa says:

    Unless Mom Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve, it looks like we’ll escape winter without much in the way of snowfall this year. I battled the flu all weekend to face a big project with work today. Ugh. Eggs….scrambled or fried with no runny-ness whatsoever anywhere! I like hard boiled in salads. I probably bought a 45 record or some such nonsense with my own money. Or incense….after all, it was the 70s. 🙂 I once came close to getting Tom Sellback’s autograph at a restaurant in Hawaii, but a pesky server intercepted me. Hope your Monday is moving along nicely. xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Donnalee says:

    Cute dog photos! We have a bit of snow today leftover from the last day or two, but mostly melted. It is completely overcast all day though, so we’ll see what happens weatherwise (this is near Woodstock NY).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Robin says:

    Wonderful photos! Your snow looks so beautiful. I like my eggs the same way. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. jakesprinter says:

    Stunning photo take care there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Embeecee says:

    Wonderful pictures! We got snow in my town yesterday too, more tonight (apparently) and maybe more tomorrow as well. Ah well. We hadn’t had any winter really until now…I suppose there’s no reason to complain.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. loisajay says:

    Your photos (and Shasta!) look so pretty. I think we are heading into spring here. Last weekend totally washed out Mardi Gras, and this weekend saw us in the front yard cleaning out all the dead stuff from winter. Stay warm, Carol!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. leendadll says:

    Wow… that is a LOT of snow! I was dancing because a teeny amount of hail was intermixed with our few min of rain. LOVE the pics.
    I currently eat eggs sunny side up, any time of day, because they’re easy to make and I’m on a runny yolk kick.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Ally Bean says:

    Shasta is a scene-stealer. So cute. I am in awe of your ability to answer the Share Your World questions on the day they’re posted. I’ve never been able to do that. You inspire!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. If the snow had been any deeper, I think Shasta might have struggled! I agree with you about eggs – no runny whites for me either.

    Liked by 1 person

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