Our Week of Bliss

Upholding traditions is important, don’t you think? Of course you do. So the first week of May, we neighborhood “girls” – or at least 3 of us, with The Artistic One flying in from Santa Fe, New Mexico – upheld our tradition of spending the week on the Oregon Coast, in a comfortable condo in Depoe Bay. Part of that tradition includes stopping at Dairy Queen at about the halfway mark. This trip, we double-dipped – we stopped at our regular Dairy Queen for lunch (no photos of that), and then, further along, we checked out a second Dairy Queen for extra energy for the rest of our drive.
2016-05-01 14.30.21
Once we arrive, it’s always important to check out the view from the balcony, to reassure ourselves that the ocean is, indeed, still here.
2016-05-02 10.09.02
2016-05-02 10.06.45

During the week, we ventured out nearly every day, although we spent more time relaxing at our temporary home than we usually do. Part of that was because on the third day, I managed to catch a cold – say, what?! I haven’t had a cold for a very long time, and the timing on this one was not to my satisfaction. We did, however, get out enough to be satisfied – a little shopping, a little wandering to sightsee with part of one afternoon spent at Nye Beach because that’s what you do when you’re on the coast near Newport.
2016-05-07 17.03.37-8

A little house up above the beach caught my eye – picturesque and so warm and inviting I think.
2016-05-07 17.04.46

The wind was strong and cool, so after being outside for awhile, we wandered down to Nana’s Irish Pub seeking something to warm our hearts and bodies.
2016-05-07 17.28.19

We opted for an Irish Coffee, but, as you can see, we are sharing only a little of it with you. Because that’s just how we are.
2016-05-07 17.28.31

There were lots of late lunches out, one at MacDangDangs Reefside, where we enjoyed beer and wine with out halibut and chips – but the halibut and chips were shy and did not wish to be photographed.
2016-05-02 17.17.33

Of course we had a late lunch at Mo’s in Newport, too. That’s a must when you are at the coast.
2016-05-07 14.56.23

At home, we read and worked on jigsaw puzzles
2016-05-03 11.00.02

enjoyed wine on our balcony
2016-05-01 17.08.14

watched the 5 geese who spent every day foraging in the grass below us

and the gulls gathering nesting materials and preening

as well as taking a short walk to check out the seals,

one of which wanted to know what the heck we were looking at anyway!

We enjoyed quiet evenings with a variety of sunsets
2016-05-01 20.19.47

2016-05-04 20.15.52

2016-05-07 19.43.01

and then, alas, the week ended, far too soon as it always does. We returned home, restored, refreshed, sad to leave our holiday but happy to be back home.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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17 Responses to Our Week of Bliss

  1. Sandra Sparks says:

    Do you pay a monthly fee to WordPress?

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. lakeafton says:

    The picture on your puzzle is on one of my sofa pillows. I love it. Your new kitten could model for it in a few months.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. loisajay says:

    This looks heavenly! I was restored and refreshed from reading this post. Welcome back home.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, looks like some place where you could totally relax and forget the world around you!


  5. Looks like a wonderful time!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dawnkinster says:

    Well that was just perfect! What a wonderful week to spend looking at the ocean with great friends. I gave a big sigh too, at the end, and I didn’t even go! PS: Who was drinking the Total Domination beer?


  7. Oh, thank you for sharing your relaxing vacation! I can feel the sea breeze and enjoy the sunset through your beautiful photos. This is definitely a glorious tradition that deserves to be xontinued year after year. I am so glad you had time to relax.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. LG says:

    How divine! Girls need girlfriends for sanity. Good for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. suzicate says:

    So enjoyed these photos, was a mini virtual vacation for me so thank you!
    I love this girlfriend tradition. I’m currently making summer plans for a getaway with some friends from back in the day…we should make it an annual thing! Hope we enjoy it as much as you guys!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Now that’s my kind of week! Friends, good food, relaxing times, fabulous surroundings.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Karma says:

    Week of bliss, perfect title.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Kathy says:

    Carol, what a fun time you had on that Oregon coast. I can really almost picture you there. As for the wine, my mom and I really enjoyed ourselves last week with glass of white wine. It was our afternoon ritual and we end up sharing so much. Glad to have looked at your pictures and vicariously imagined it all. Hope your cold is 100% gone.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Perfect trip there! First the ice cream, then the balcony (of course the wine helps) with a wonderful view of the sea, and then the games and animals relaxing in the sun šŸ™‚ Oh this would have been an ideal trip for me too!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. HI Carol,
    This sounds perfect! The photos capture it all. Thanks for letting us tag along.

    Liked by 1 person

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