Day Three

It seems that life aboard a ship is very busy – they keep us paddling for twelve hours at a time, and by the time we are relieved we are just exhausted! Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it has been busy and I’m thinking I may be posting only on “at sea” days – like today. Days when we don’t rise at dawn to prepare to depart the ship for the adventure of that day. That means that today I will post Days 3 and 4.

Another lesson I just learned – photos do not upload unless I am connected to the internet – the internet is slow since it is a satellite provider, and time is not donated; therefore the amount of time I have is limited. What does that mean? It means I will give you only a sampling of photos of our trip, with limited description. A more extensive explanation and lots of photos will have to wait until we get back home. Sorry, guys! Sometimes good intentions simply do not pan out.

So! I will show you the views from our stateroom veranda after we boarded the ship. They show the warmth best, I think.

Let me just tell you that life aboard is good – we spend a lot of time looking at the deck plan of the ship, since it appears neither of us can tell the bow from the aft just by our senses. So far the food has been excellent, the entertainment enjoyable, the staff exceptionally friendly and helpful, the guests varied and, for the most part, friendly.

Our lives are overflowing with enough just now. I hope yours are too.




About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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7 Responses to Day Three

  1. “So far the food has been excellent, the entertainment enjoyable, the staff exceptionally friendly and helpful, the guests varied and, for the most part, friendly.”

    Carol – It sounds like you’re corresponding from Heaven; I love it!


  2. Geoff says:

    Okay, I got jealous now. I want to be on a cruise. I don’t want to be writing my report cards. I want to sample the sushi buffet. Is there a sushi buffet? Is there prime rib?


  3. Heather says:

    This sounds and looks terrific! The water is beautiful, and most important: isn’t crusted with ice! Enjoy all those warm days for me (and especially for you) 🙂


  4. lisa says:

    Any photos you share are a bonus! I hope you get time to lounge on the deck in a chair and relax!


  5. Oh, being warm and on a boat. Pure heaven. I’m glad you’re enjoying. 🙂


  6. This sounds wonderful, Carol. I’m enjoying the updates. Love the photo of the sailboat on turquoise water.


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