Share Your World – 2014 Week 7

I know – you’re all sitting there thinking “what more could she possibly share?”, but when Cee calls I am compelled to respond. So here’s a bit more of my world:

1. What is your favorite couch potato activity: readings, watching movies, watching sports, napping, anything on TV, computer games, play cards, or other? Mostly other. Playing on the iPad. Reading email, blogs, writing a blog post. Reading magazines or a book, on the iPad of course. Except today I subscribed to the print version of National Geographic Traveler, because I’m a dreamer.

2. What is your favorite toppings on pizza? My favorite pizza is Papa Murphy’s take and bake combination pizza with black olives (somehow these are only acceptable on a pizza), sausage, pepperoni, tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet peppers, maybe some things I’m not remembering and cheese, of course.

3. What is is favorite genre of movie or book? This is another of those “it depends” questions. It depends. On my mood mostly. There are some action/adventure movies I’ve really liked, some comedies I’ve really liked, some romances I’ve really liked, and some of each of those I’ve really not liked. I loved Patch Adams. I really enjoyed Independence Day. Lincoln, Argo and Life of Pi were favorites a year ago (or was it a little longer than that?). This year I really enjoyed Frozen and Monument Men. I was impressed with the acting in – that other movie. The one with Jennifer Lawrence (isn’t she wonderful?), Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams. The one whose title is just out of reach of my too-full brain right now. Anyway, I was impressed with the acting – the movie? Not so sure. Books? Kind of the same. A little mystery, a little romance, mostly something that acquaints me with a new place in the world and delves into people and relationships. I’ve read every one of Anne Rivers Siddons books with enormous pleasure. Have I shared enough here?

4. Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake first? No. I rarely eat frosting unless it’s a whipped cream frosting or a cream cheese frosting on a carrot cake. Or chocolate. But sicky-sweet frostings I just can’t do. When I do eat frosting, it’s with a bite of cake, never by itself.

I think I will share only one photo today. One I took of the moon peaking through tree branches a few nights ago, when the skies were only a little hazy. This morning I took some of the little bit of snow we got last night, but those will wait for another post.


About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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10 Responses to Share Your World – 2014 Week 7

  1. Trisha says:

    Your favorite pizza sounds really good! Great moon photo too!


  2. Heather says:

    I think pizza toppings go right in the “it depends” category too. I didn’t used to like black olives, and Tony still doesn’t, but I can eat a handful of them now with no hesitation. Kalamata olives and I are still not friendly.
    So nice to see the moon 🙂 It might my aurora photos washed out last night, but I was still happy to see it. There’s always something mysterious about a hazy moon behind tree silhouettes.


  3. It’s fun to hear about your choices, Carol. National Geographic Traveler, YES! You just never know where or when you might need to go on an adventure, and dreaming about one is almost as good as having one. (Like the one you’re about to have with The Artistic One).
    The photo you shared is lovely, and very artistic.
    Bon voyage!


  4. My favorite sentence in your post is: “…today I subscribed to the print version of National Geographic Traveler, because I’m a dreamer.”

    That’s FANTASTIC! 🙂


  5. Robin says:

    I love your photo. There’s something abstract and lacy about it. Your favorite pizza sounds delicious. I really enjoyed your answers, and agree with you about the books and movies. It depends. 🙂


  6. Cee Neuner says:

    You just named the 3 frosting I eat…and always want more of… I liked Patch Adams…thanks Carol for sharing!


  7. Robin says:

    That is such a beautiful photo! I have been so overwhelmed with school and life that I haven’t been to the blogosphere much recently. I am hoping to start squeezing it in. You have given me a couple of movies to watch. I have read Anne Rivers Siddons, but not for a long time. This past year, one of my favorite books that was made into a movie is “Silver Linings Playbook”. The screenplay changed the book a little as happens with movies, but I loved them both.


  8. lisa says:

    I can’t get over how Cee comes up with all these questions! My favorite pizza is Hawaiian….with Canadian bacon and pineapple. Not many in my family share my preference except Peanut! I’m a John Grisham addict when not reading apologetic books. And I LOVED the Frozen movie….on all levels. That moon shot is fabulous! It’s so eerie, yet very serene.


  9. I’m not a frosting person either, Carol. For me, the cake part is the best. And I agree, the acting in American Hustle was good, but I didn’t particularly care for the movie. I did just watch the Chilean movie, Gloria, and I really liked that. Mostly, I’ve been unimpressed by the movies I’ve seen since I returned to the U.S. I’m a subscriber to National Geographic Traveler too. LOVE IT!!!


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