Organizing – or Creating Havoc?

I have been attempting, these past few days, to do some reorganizing. The kind of reorganizing that maximizes the use of space – to elevate little-used space to oft-used space. To move my crafts from the back bedroom to what has been known as the living room. A room where, in reality, little living happened, because living happened in the family room. Time now, I thought, to turn the back bedroom into a bedroom, because it is a small room to begin with, that space needs to be opened up – freed.

Yes. Of course. Easily said, right?

So why is it that a room that was relatively neat, relatively organized, which contained bookcases largely filled with books, the desk and computer, a sofa and dry sink, is now a disaster area? Declared such by me – because I wish to not get the federal government involved. That, I know, would only compound the disaster.

Why is it that the chaos has spread from the “living” room into the dining area? Why is it that now the dining table cannot be used at all for dining, nor for folding laundry (if only my washing machine – which has been awaiting repair for over two weeks – could really be utilized as a washing machine) which is what is was used for more frequently than dining – why is it that it now houses more of the disaster? Why is the chaos spreading, spreading, threatening to overtake the family room, which happens to be the only room in which one can feel a sense of “organization”?

Some progress has been made. I have created nine small boxes containing books to be donated to our volunteer ambulance’s yard sale which will be held in June, cleared from the bookshelves – now stored in the middle bedroom (this is progress?). Shelves have been cleared, storage containers moved in, and – after this photo was taken – some of the yarn stored in the back bedroom has been moved. You will note the “some of” – because much remains to be moved. As well as other craft supplies, both knitting, crocheting, beading – you get the idea. I fear the shelves may not contain what remains to be moved. I fear I shall spend months “organizing”, creating havoc in other areas, because once this project is complete, there are closets. . . .

I should fear not, because I have help. Uh huh. My help is as productive as I seem to be.

I can hear you, you know. Asking “why on earth would she post this?” Because she writes because she must. Because she shares the dribble of everyday life, because she must. It’s called survival. It’s called satisfaction of those creative urges – the same ones that create the possession of too much yarn, too many beads, space-occupying miscellany.

It’s called “the way it is with those of my ilk”.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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22 Responses to Organizing – or Creating Havoc?

  1. Joanne says:

    I understand completely Carol! You are living through Very Important Matters, which includes organizing your home, to organize your life, to be creative! Keep plugging away at the reorganizing and before you know it, everything will fall into place and the plan will all come together. πŸ™‚


  2. suzicate says:

    Yay, you! I’ve been toying with the idea of organizing, but thought better of it, ha! /seriously, I organized my sewing/crafting supplies last year, and it’s in need of being redone this year; never ending for me!


  3. I know exactly of what you speak, because I too am “of that ilk!” Out of chaos comes the stuff of dreams. Good for you, Carol. πŸ™‚


  4. Sheri B says:

    I must warn you of the unintended consequences. When I have undertaken a project such as this, inevitably I lose Stuff. I go to where said Stuff used to live, I discover Stuff has moved, without leaving a forwarding address!!


  5. Heather says:

    It’s just like cleaning! You start in one place, and then end up with a mess in three others, and then forget what you were cleaning in the first place. Eventually, you’ll be finished. It might not be what you thought you were aiming for, but you’ll land in a happy spot. And hopefully you’ll be surrounded by your beautiful crafty things and will be inspired.


  6. yes, Yes, YES!

    We’re talking “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” We’re talking my language. When I’m in the WHIRLING DERVISH mode (as my husband refers to my chaos-to-calm organizing frenzies) I create a “staging area” where EVERY bloody thing gets thrown so that I start with empty rooms. Once empty, I clean it down to the gnat’s whisker, then I go into the “staging area” and retrieve only what is to go into that specific room. I continue in this fashion room-by-room. Once done, everything that’s left in the “staging area” gets donated.



    • Carol says:

      Laurie, at this moment I feel stuck – I have to clear out two shelves of technical/manuals relating to computer/software, etc. – they are of no value because they are so outdated (i.e., over two months old), so it’s where to go with them. I think to the trailer – which would need to be unwrapped from its tarp – and then down to the burn pit for a good old-fashioned book burning.

      Oh my.

      Sent from my iPad



  7. Dear Carol,
    I love that you are sharing this with us. You start at the foundation and reorganize your new life in a way that makes more sense for you. It’s useful as well as therapeutic, and you know that expression–to make an omelette you have to break an egg. Or was it “The mess is always bigger before the organization falls into place.” Or ‘What comes out must eventually go back in.”
    My favorite photo is of your lovely assistant! Thank you for keeping us posted–you are always in our thoughts.


    • Carol says:

      It’s all part of this moving forward thing, isn’t it Naomi? I am praying that out of this chaos will come a lovely sense of accomplishment, organization and a step into the future.

      Sent from my iPad



      • Just keep your eyes on the horizon, or the shelving unit. Whatever. You know what I mean. You are a woman with a plan, and you’re halfway there, Carol. I believe you might inspire me to do the same.


  8. lisa says:

    LOL!! I love the way you roll! But it’s a bit early for spring cleaning, don’t you think! Whatever will you do come April?


  9. Robin says:

    I sympathize, Carol. Better yet, I empathize with you. My motto lately is that you first have to deconstruct and cause a little chaos before the creative vision and organization materialize. You’ll get there. And just so you know, I’d write about it, too. πŸ™‚


    • Carol says:

      Robin, the past couple of days have required I take care of some other responsibilities, and tomorrow has errands to be run – but Saturday! Saturday I shall attack with a vengeance. I am determined to overcome the chaos.

      Sent from my iPad



  10. Kathy says:

    Such fun organizing…well, such challenges, too. Today is Saturday so I am suspecting you are overcoming the chaos as we speak. My friend, Ruth, and I went out for lunch today and she told me of a huge mess she created after her mom died and she had to organize things. She found her way through that pile and so shall you!


    • Carol says:

      Kathy, apparently my promises to me are easily adjusted. I was hanging some of my clothes in the closet today – squeezing them in – when it occurred to me that perhaps my time would be better spent packing up some of Pat’s clothes, so that’s what I did. Started. Much more to do on all ends – and yes, I will get there, albeit slowly.

      Sent from my iPad



  11. pattisj says:

    I would love to move all my craft items to the living room with the nice, big window. It does seem to get messy before it gets better, but you are on your way! What a delightful idea for displaying your cats! πŸ˜‰


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