Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Cee – you know Cee – Cee’s Photography, very kindly and generously nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Thank you Cee – we are indeed a sisterhood, with a few brothers thrown in for good measure.

The Rules

Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer ten questions.
Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
Include the award logo within your blog post.

I have thanked Cee, provided a link to her and included the award logo. Now it’s time for the questions.


Your favorite color …. You all know from past question-answering sessions that I am rarely definite, rarely black and white. So – my favorite color? Well, that depends. Whatever it might be at this moment, it will be bright. I am not a pastel person. So it could be royal blue, or royal purple, or bright turquoise, teal, pink, lime green – you get the idea, right?

Your favorite animal … I think I’d have to say dog, followed by cat – presuming we’re talking animals that I would get up close and personal (well, not overly personal!) with. If we’re talking animals that I think are beautiful, then I’d say giraffe, deer, gazelle – those slender, graceful creatures.

Your favorite non-alcoholic drink …. For winter, my favorite non-alcoholic drink has recently become tea, preferably a flavored herbal tea. In the summer, it would be lemonade, with pomegranate lemonade a special love.

Facebook or Twitter ….. Facebook. I have accounts with Twitter, Linked-In and Google+ and would go to Google+ if it became more popular with my Facebook friends but currently I only use Facebook. Not sure I understand the need for that many social networking sites.

Your favorite pattern ….. See here we are again – I do not have just one favorite pattern. It depends on the moment, the mood, the week, month or year. Or purpose of the item. The consistency is that I go for bright colors.

Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Oh gosh! If I were what I would like to be, I would say giving. I do love giving and wish I had the wherewithal to do it more often. But I am not going to say I don’t like receiving presents, because I do!

Your favorite number … 5. For now anyway. I wonder what makes a number a favorite?

Your favorite day of the week … Being retired, each day is much like the other. Being no longer young, I think my true favorite day is every day that I get out of bed and move of my own volition.

Your favorite flower …. Peony. Except I really love any flower that honors me with it’s pretty face.

What is your passion? ….. Taking pictures, yes – spending time with friends. Knitting, making jewelry, photo-editing – depending on (you got it!) the moment, the mood, the . . . .

Now we get to the part where I always break the mold and do not follow the rules. Because I cannot choose – if you are on my blog roll, I view you as worthy of many, many awards, including this one. So if it suits you, I would be honored if you would accept the award as my gift to you.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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11 Responses to Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    I with you on patterns….bright vivid colors. I might have to change my answers!! I’m thrilled you took on the award!!


  2. CONGRATULATIONS to YOU — and a well deserved honor it is. I’m so glad one of your passions is photography because your readers — like me — get in on the action, too.


  3. lisa says:

    Congrats to you! Love your answers and am very happy your passion is photography. I usually take the same route as you do on these bloggy awards…which is what I just did with yesterday’s post. I did call you out though! When you see what it is, you’ll understand why I specifically included you. 🙂 xoxo


  4. Robin says:

    Congratulations, Carol! It was fun learning a little more about you. I wish my family and friends would move to Google+. I do like it better than Facebook, but they’re all pretty settled on Facebook.


  5. suzicate says:

    …and your passion is evident in all those beautiful photos you share with us!
    I have yet to join Twitter…I say I won’t, but I know how saying that sometimes comes back to bite me.


  6. Heather says:

    Blogging does seem to be a sisterhood…with a few brothers sprinkled in. I wonder if this stems from our need to communicate. Or maybe we just gravitate toward each other…like finds like?
    Either way – congratulations. And again, enjoyed your wishy-washy conditional answers. Life rarely is multiple choice with only one correct answer.


  7. Louise B says:

    Carol, though I have known you for years, I still marvel of your strength, your zest for life, in finding the best at the moment. I am honored to know you. Louise


  8. Karma says:

    Always fun to read your answers to questions Carol. I’m glad I got to be part of your “sisterhood” 🙂


  9. Kathy says:

    Congratulations on your award, Carol. Would love to join you with a flavored herbal tea right now.


  10. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award | DottaRaphels

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