Shall we Have a bit of a Walk-about the Yard?

The girls and I are ready for a bit of a yard walk-about, won’t you join us?


We’ll begin from the front deck, and just as we near the grassy area we see that the Mock Orange bush is blooming, it’s lovely white pretend-to-be-orange-blossoms. To our right is the “pullout bed” (I think I’ve explained in the past how it came to get it’s name) and there, we have the Lydia Broom in blossom, it’s sunshine yellow flowers brightening up the area.


But wait, back near the Mock Orange is the flower bed I tend to call the “front bed” because I simply have not come up with a more creative name for it. We have some geranium blooming, a bit of white on the plant whose name is hiding from me just now, and the soapwort with it’s little pink blossoms.


In the middle of the front yard, the Windmill Bed, so named because we have a small windmill there – very creative, don’t you think?


This bed started it’s life as a huge pile of scrub, one of several created when the land was cleared for the placement of our house. Once burned, which took several days because buried in that pile were old tree stumps with a whole lot of scrub and miscellaneous yard debris, husband was talking about leveling the area. I liked that it was mounded a bit, raised up just enough to make it interesting and so suggested that instead we create a flower bed. It has evolved over the years, some things doing well, some things spreading themselves out hither thither and yon, some things succumbing to the underground critters that like to gnaw on roots or just relocate plants as they burrow through to munch on grubs and other gourmet morsels they might find.

In this bed, we found:


Red Hot Poker which will soon develop the yellow buds on the top, then blossom with pride.


The Bachelor Button, which once became far too aggressive in this bed so I pulled it out but obviously did not get all of it. Now we have just a few of these plants popping up, which I will allow unless they once again try to take over.


Starry-eyed Dianthus which I love because they come in many colors, nearly sparkling like the stars in the skies. Have I shared with you that the other night I took my camera out on the tripod in an attempt to get one of those wonderful pictures of the moon. You know, the ones that show the different colorations and make it look like a planet rather than a bright spot in the sky? My camera apparently is not fond of the moon, so one day soon, while it’s still full, I’ll take husband’s Rebel out and see what I can do. On automatic, of course, because I know nothing about settings. Sorry, I seem to have digressed – but then, that happens often in conversations don’t you think?


Blanket Flower preparing to unfold it’s gold and rusty-red petals.


Finally, the Honeysuckle that climbs the windmill, preparing to dazzle us with it’s brightly colored blooms.

Flowers are a lot like people, don’t you think? When first we meet, we hold back a bit, we show only a glimpse of our true colors. Then we get to know one another, we relax, and our true colors appear. We unfurl, we blossom. We shine. Each of us has our own type of beauty.

Now that we have finished our walk-about for today, would you like a cup of coffee? Tea? Too early for wine, I fear. You’ll have to come back early one evening for a glass of wine and a toast to all that is good in our worlds.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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18 Responses to Shall we Have a bit of a Walk-about the Yard?

  1. Dear Carol, I just put the coffee on, and am going to take another stroll through your garden. It was beautiful. I love the analogy between people and flowers. Thanks for another lovely start to my day.


  2. I think it would so cool to be a bird that hangs out at your warmly inviting home and yard. And I love the pretend-to-be-orange-blossoms.


    • Carol says:

      We feed the birds fairly well, so I think you would not starve. You are certainly welcome to hang out, but do watch for Lily and Twiggy, please.


  3. Thank you for the lovely tour of your garden. The variety of flowers is impressive! I love the red hot poker buds- ICANN see why they are called that. Amazing since I remember you getting snow showers in June. Lovely collection. Enjoy your garden!


    • Carol says:

      Yeah, those snow showers! They inhibited the lilacs and cut back on the amount of peony blooms we’re getting this year, but once it began to warm the flower beds have sprung to life. And I see a daylily over there – perhaps we’ll visit those on our next walk.


  4. Lynne Ayers says:

    I didn’t arrive until late, and it IS wine time – in the garden room? or outside?


    • Carol says:

      Lynne, how about on the front deck where the chairs are quite comfortable and there is a nice breeze? Would you prefer red or white? Perhaps I can introduce you to some of our bird friends too, and certainly Shasta and Bailey. Lily and Twiggy too, if they happen to show yp.


      • Lynne Ayers says:

        White, please, Carol. Red gives me a buzz. And I would love to give the girls a scritch. Ahhh the breeze is just enough to keep bugs away but not have to put my sweater on – perfect. 🙂


  5. Kathy says:

    What a lovely walkabout, Carol! Walkabouts are the best. Shall we walk around again? Your flowers are worth a second peek.


  6. Heather says:

    Really love walking about a flower garden when I don’t even have to keep my eyes open for stinging ones. I fear I missed the drinks. Alas, I would so have enjoyed the breeze out front on the comfy chairs! We were breezeless, humid, and with stifling 100+ heat indices.
    Good luck with the moon shots. I tried to take one last night, but the moon just hid behind some clouds. Perhaps tonight?


  7. Angelia Sims says:

    Oh your windmill island is just divine! I am in deep love with your yard and all the beautiful flowers. Thank you for the tour! Cheers, because it IS wine time now. 😉


  8. Lisa says:

    Your yard is lovely! I love it when we stroll around the grounds. I used to have a mock orange in a different house and loved it. Can’t figure out why I don’t have one now. :-/


  9. A garden, a garden! My Kingdom for a large garden!
    How lucky you are!


  10. Touch2Touch says:

    Keeping our colors furled —
    Wonderful metaphor. And very true. Too true.


  11. Joanne says:

    I’m so pleased that I chose today for a walk around your garden Carol, as it is raining at my place, but the weather is looking fine at yours. There are few more relaxing passtimes than a quiet wander around outside, admiring our plants and flowers. Now I do believe it’s time for that cup of tea. 🙂


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