When a Mind is Off-Leash

When a mind is off-leash, you never know where it might wander. Sometimes I wonder how it got where it landed, whatever took it on that path, and I am so glad no one can read it.

This morning I was slicing fresh carrots to be dehydrated – because I have more space for dry goods than I do for refrigerated/frozen goods and I dislike going shopping very often, so long-term storage is  important. Anyway, in the midst of slicing and loading dehydrator trays, something else required my attention, which means I left the carrots sitting. Alone. All by themselves. In the open air. What popped into my mind was a concern that they would dry out, exposed as they were. Followed by: “dry out? Well, what is it you’re going to do with them anyway?” Oh, duh. Yeah, okay.

Then there’s the check I told my son I would write and mail for him – because his checks live with me, not with him. That made more sense when he was overseas, but it’s just how it is. I headed off to get a check, saw something else I wanted to take care of, did that, went back to where I was before I headed off to get a check. When did I remember? The wee hours of the night. Guess I’ll be making a trip to the post office today. If  I’m lucky, I might even remember what else I thought I might want to pick up in our little town.

I did make a list for myself the other day of what I wanted to get done. I wrote each thing down in bold colors on the white board on my refrigerator. Worked well as a leash, I kept on track and got things done. That day. Smart huh? Wonder why I don’t do that more often. I do know why – because I think of it but don’t do it right now, and my mind wanders off to check out something else. Or just to wander.  Because. It. Can.

Looking out my window, I see – white. It’s not a deep white – only an inch or so. But it’s very white, very cold, very wet. I do not like. My mind is thinking coast – yes, I could deal with the gray, the rain, the wind, if only I could see and hear the ocean. My mind took me there last night, in my dreams. It was lovely. Sometimes when my mind is off-leash, it’s not so bad. Sometimes it’s good. As soon as I win the lottery I’ll buy a house on the coast. That probably means I should buy lottery tickets, huh?

Carrots are sliced and dehydrating – bread still needs to be made. I should think about getting out of my robe, although I’m not sure why. Maybe I’ll just sit here and see where my mind takes me.

It won’t be outside:

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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15 Responses to When a Mind is Off-Leash

  1. Sadje says:

    Yes, isn’t it strange how far it would wander!


  2. Carol — If I don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. dawnkinster says:

    Me too. In fact as I was reading this I realized I had soaked beans overnight to cook today. And now it’s almost 3 p.m. and I had forgotten them entirely. So I stopped reading and went and started the beans and now I’m back. For the last two days I’ve been working off a list with mixed results. Lucky I’m retired and have time to get stuff done.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ally Bean says:

    My saying is: “if it’s not on the list it does not exist.” Goes for all and everything. I, too, like to let my mind wander– especially when it’s a quiet snowy day with nowhere in particular to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lisa says:

    My mind wanders a lot! And, I wake up in the night thinking about stuff I should do! Perhaps it’s time to relinquish control of those checks back to Gep and have one less item on your “to-do” list? We had snow twice in November…a rarity here. Hope it’s not a sign of things to come. I like the blue cast to your snowy photo. It looks very peaceful. And, I see no reason to change from one’s robe if one is not going outside! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carol says:

      If I remember (that word again) we’ll discuss checks at Christmas. If I don’t remember, it happens rarely anyway. I did get dressed, very casually. And warm.


  6. loisajay says:

    Your views are so pretty, Carol. I am ‘list’ kinda gal. If I don’t write it down, it’s not gonna happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I function better when I list things. I made one yesterday of all the things I need to accomplish before Christmas and the best days to do them. Otherwise it would be Christmas and I’d have done none of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. leendadll says:

    GAHH…NO TO SNOW!! fun for 30 min; horrible after that.
    Nice to read that someone else has intermittent attention issues. One trick I’ve picked up is to buy packs of spiral-bound index cards for my notes… stronger than paper and still easy to throw into my purse. Of course, that assumes that I use them… recently I haven’t been able to keep my thoughts together long enough to even remember that there are index cards and a pen next to my bed.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Sunshine Bloggers award #6 – Keep it alive

  10. Robin says:

    I’m a big fan of making lists — and then not following then because my mind decided to take me elsewhere.
    Your snow and cold look beautiful. I know they don’t always feel beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

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