Share Your World – 2015 Week 2

Another year, another week to share with Cee.

1. Are you a hugger or a non-hugger? I did not grow up in a huggy atmosphere and so I have never been much for hugging and have always had a need for a pretty large space around me. But life has led me to a huggy neighborhood and I am learning how important that is in life. Never too old to learn new tricks, you know.

2. What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor? Chocolate. With more chocolate. Chocolate. Rich, sweet, creamy chocolate.

3. Do you prefer exercising your mind or your body? How frequently do you do either? I think I exercise my mind much more than I do my body, although I recognize the need for exercising my body and chide myself for not doing it like I should. There’s a Tai Chi class starting in our local community center Friday, so I’m telling myself I need to go to that. Maybe between that and the short walks my furry girls and I take in the afternoons I’d feel better about the distribution of exercise in my life.

4. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? Why? Both, I think. Although dogs are far more affectionate and much more eager to please. But then, the independence of a cat is appealing quite often too, and they are certainly easier to leave home alone. Unless you have things out where they can be reached, like yarn. I don’t think I can choose. Warm and furry is my preference.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am grateful for the time to stay inside and play with things that interest me, as well as the time to do some of the things I should do. I am grateful for friends nearby so that when I have had enough of myself I can walk over and beg a cup of tea or coffee or glass of wine.
I am looking forward to sunshine and more of the same this week.

And now, just a few samples of what I’ve been seeing through my morning window the past few days.

For you all, I wish a week of enough.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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15 Responses to Share Your World – 2015 Week 2

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Tai Chi is great. It’s much like qigong. Thanks Carol for sharing this week. It’s always a pleasure to have you join us.


  2. suzicate says:

    Tai Chi sounds like an interesting class to take…if you decide to go let me know how you like it.


  3. jay53 says:

    Ooh, interesting questions! I am a hugger, though I haven’t always been. My family were – and mostly aren’t – huggers, but I find that I want to be. I’m very cautious about who I hug though, because I know some people don’t appreciate it.

    Exercising .. I much prefer exercising my mind than my body, but I do make the effort to do that, too. I walk, twice a day, and when I’m not suffering something or other, I use the treadmill, too. But I looooooooove puzzles. From Lexulous, crosswords and solitaire card games to logic puzzles and simply learning new stuff. I’ve had so many hobbies, and I think that’s partly because once I’ve mastered something, it loses the allure for me, and I get interested in learning something new.


    • Carol says:

      You know, I’m like that with hobbies – they have a lifespan of a couple of years, give or take – then I move on. It had not occurred to me that it might be more the process than the product.


  4. Carol — I absolutely guarantee — 100% — that you will LOVE Tai Chi!


  5. Tai Chi sounds great!!!


  6. Heather says:

    I always enjoy your answers to these questions! So much honest indecision – just like life really is.
    “When I have had enough of myself I can walk over and beg a cup of tea or coffee…” – the true definition of friendship, or at least part of it 🙂


  7. says:

    Tai Chi has always been on my list! Nice to read about you Carol! Kathryn


  8. I wish we had classes in my neighborhood like that.


  9. Lisa says:

    You just reminded me that all my feeders need to be filled!! And I’m a hugger…but you probably already figured that out on your own! Dogs or cats? Yes…Obviously, if you see our house. Favorite ice cream…death by anything chocolate. 🙂 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  10. nice bird photos.
    Tai Chi sounds great! I took an introductory class long, long ago, Now I do yoga and walk.


  11. Karma says:

    What kind of bird is that in the first photos? I don’t think we have that kind on this side of the country.


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