Sharing my World – Week 26

I know it is Sunday when Cee posts her sharing our world questions, which she has done, so it must be Sunday! Some of these may require some thought, but here goes.

1. What made you smile today? Waking up to Shasta straddling my body, giving me doggy kisses. Although I must admit the smile was accompanied by some grumbling because I think 5:30 in the morning is a bit earlier than necessary. Reading the blogs I follow, finding your questions. The slant of the light as the sun comes up over the hill behind us. Life.

2. Have any hid­den tal­ents? Talents? Hidden talents? I guess I would have to say patience, because if it’s a talent and if I have it, it’s really hidden. Over the years, I have tried many things usually with at least moderate success. I have dabbled in oil painting, did a bit of watercolor very briefly, digital scrapbooking, photography, jewelry making, quilting, knitting. All of those things we do to try to express the artist in ourselves. More seriously, I think I have a talent for being fair, for seeing both sides of an issue. Sometimes that makes husband crazy.

3. Are you usu­al­ly late, early, or right on time? I have always been early or on time. Knowing I’m late or going to be late makes my tummy churn, so nowadays my tummy does a lot of churning and I do a lot of gritting my teeth because husband has lost his ability to be on time, much less early. His movements are much slower now, and he never allows sufficient time to get ready, if he manages to remember what time I said we need to leave. I try to be patient because I know it relates to his illness, but as I said above, patience is not my strong suit.

4. What is the dif­fer­ence between being alive and truly liv­ing? Being alive is trudging through the days, blindly with little joy. Truly living is seeing what is around you, of finding beauty is many places. Truly living is what I started to do when we moved here, but did not do fully until after I had my surgery for cancer. As many of you know, facing a health crisis and coming out of it can be a real eye-opener.

My pictures below, taken in our yard a couple of days ago, are examples of truly living, I think.




About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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15 Responses to Sharing my World – Week 26

  1. Kathy says:

    Beautiful photos. I love getting glimpses into your precious life. It’s amazing that something as potentially devastating as an illness like cancer can help one become truly alive. Thanks, Carol, for the inspiration.


    • Carol says:

      Thank you, Kathy. It truly is amazing how much my experience has affected me, and I am so grateful for the learning experience it provided.


  2. Dear Carol,
    You might think you have little patience, but I was my mother’s caregiver when she had cancer, and I know that you simply could not be doing what you are doing if you were not a giving, loving, patient person. And you still have eyes open to the beauty of the world, and can still smile and welcome the wet sloppy kisses of your girls.


  3. Carol says:

    Naomi, I love your generosity, and I think it really comes down to the fact that life does not always hand you the plate you wanted, but if it cannot be changed it must be dealt with as gracefully as possible.


  4. Your courage and good spirit, even without the unlimited patience, are what seem to be the difference between being alive and truly living. The joy that you put into sharing your photos can be felt, even through the internet. Keep enjoying life, one day at a time, with your husband, your dogs and cats and your gardening.


    • Carol says:

      This life is such a gift, I cannot help but continue to enjoy it for as long as I have it. Oh, there are those days, but fortunately they are few and far between.


  5. “…I have a talent for being fair, for seeing both sides of an issue.”

    You would probably make an excellent judge. I love the vivid color in today’s photographs.


    • Carol says:

      Laurie, not so sure about that judge thing. I find it hard to make a judgement against people – unless they happen to be people in the government who forget why they’re there.


  6. Lisa says:

    I really like your definition of being alive and truly living. It’s too bad we all wait until there’s a health crisis to really begin living life to its fullest. I know I’m guilty of that as well. And patience? I believe you have tons of it.


  7. orples says:

    “I guess I would have to say patience, because if it’s a talent and if I have it, it’s really hidden.”
    LOL … I love your humor, Carol. That sounds like something Erma Bombeck would have said. 😉 I know the feeling, when it comes to having attributes, and the question of hidden talents arises. 🙂 Thanks for the chuckles.


    • Carol says:

      Oh my, I haven’t thought of Erma Bombeck in a long time. I always loved her writing, and am honored that you found a little bit of a similarity there!


  8. Cee Neuner says:

    Oh yeah, those beautiful photos definitely shows living!!!!! Loved your answers as always!!!


  9. Hii Carol, I had to smile when I read that your husband has lost the ability to be on time. Has he retired by any chance?
    I agree with you about art, I actually do not know where that energy would go if I did not have that platform to exprss myself.

    I find the last question so intersting in what our individual answers are.
    Thanks so much for sharing, I so enjoy reading your answers and I agree, you yard says it all!


  10. Heather says:

    Anyone who makes it through and continues to deal with a health ordeal with such serenity has patience. I can’t imagine how you hide it…perhaps only from yourself 😉
    Love the butterfly, and the birds!


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