Visitors and Stuff

Here we are, into a new month already, the second day of the weekend. Not that weekends mean much to this retired person, except Kat is home. Weekends mean much more to her.

We have clouds – we had clouds yesterday too, with a threat of a little rain that did not follow through. I think the same is on the meteorologists’ agenda for today, although I suspect the actuality of it happening is small. There are high wind warnings for tomorrow – not much wind so far today so I should make a concerted effort to get out and spray the weeds in the parking strip yet again. 

We now have three cats visiting us, pleading their case of starvation and neglect. I think Floofy might be a female – she let me pet her a bit yesterday, and has what would be beautiful fur if not for all the mats. She has yet to speak to me. Then there is Charlie, who comes up to the catio to talk with our cats. He speaks softly and does not seem to raise the hackles of any of them. And the new kid on the block – Roger. He is a long haired ginger, and he sings very sad songs. Goguma really has not been happy about him, although that seems to be tempering. 

This is Floofy

This is Charlie. See his little white Charlie Chaplin mustache?

Roger has not been photographed – he tends to show up more as darkness sets in. We just bestowed him with a name last night, because it’s easier to talk about and to things with names.

Two weeks and we will be flying into the wild blue yonder. I am going to set my suitcase out so I can start putting things into it – the theory is there’s less chance of forgetting something that way. Too bad theories don’t always prove out.  In two weeks Gep, Kat and I will be visiting the south-central Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Ten years ago the cruise a very good friend and I went on visited Limon, the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, and that visit made me want to see more. I am looking forward to the beach, the food, the monkeys, sloths, and whatever creatures we might see. So far our plans are to play each day by ear most days, but we do want to take the boat tour of the mangroves, maybe zipline (depending on how much walking it requries), and tour the area. Gep has rented a car because he is brave enough to drive while we are there. It’s going to be tough – we will have to deal with this life (photo captured from La Mariposa website):

My suntanning project is going about as well as my exercising projects go. That means it’s not happening. My intentions are good – my follow-through not so good. The thought was to get a bit of color on my legs before we hit the beaches, because they don’t see a lot of sun anymore. There’s still time . . . Uh huh.

Life is good.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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8 Responses to Visitors and Stuff

  1. lois says:

    Floofy is a beauty and Charlie is such a handsome boy. This is how I came to have five cats. They kept coming by and, of course, I could not bear for them to be outside…Luckily, they all get along.

    Two weeks?! I am excited for you. Years ago, husband and I talked about going to Costa Rica. That never happened so I will revel in your visit. Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dawnkinster says:

    I’m so excited for you. I’ve never been to Costa Rica, and can’t wait to read all about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Karma says:

    Your trip is even closer now! Somehow I missed this post when it came out. Bon voyage!

    Liked by 1 person

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