Wednesday Thoughts

Vanity is a real pain in the neck. It causes so many problems.

Gep, Kat, and I are going to Costa Rica for a week the middle of June – we’ll be in a lovely hotel on a hill overlooking the ocean. The hotel provides shuttles to the beach.

Not this beach, but one that I bet will be a lot like this one.

And the hotel has swimming pools.

That means a swimsuit is necessary. The one I bought for the cruise a friend and I went on in 2014 no longer fits, because, you know – aging. Things shift around.

Yeah – I’ve learned that with aging comes changes in the body. It fills out in places I’d rather it didn’t fill out. It’s awkward to look pregnant when you’re 82.

Then there’s that cancer episode that resulted in a mastectomy. Added issues for swimsuits. A pocket in the proper location is required.

I started looking at swimsuits online the end of March, right after we made our reservations. None met my wishes. You know – tunic top, loose fitting, pretty. Apparently swim suits are meant to make it easy to glide through the water, not to cure my vanity problems.


The search continued, now there’s an added complication – for swimsuit companies the end of May seems to be the end of the season and so there are lots of sales, but also reduced numbers of sizes available.

And the cost! So little material for so much money!

I did get a swimsuit bottom fairly early on. Bermuda shorts length, as dictated by Miss Vanity. I had the illusion I could wear a tunic top I already have in the pool and the ocean. Uh huh.

Finally – finally! After much chiding from the Kat about my silliness I have found a swimsuit top I like. It arrived yesterday. Ummmm – it fits a little more snugly than I thought it would. I look like an old lady in it. Horrors! I look like what I am – how the heck did that happen?

But you know what? It’s pretty, and I like it, and I have decided it’s okay to be what I am. Because really – for those who matter, I am enough.

Next thing you know, I’ll be pretending to be a mermaid.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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10 Responses to Wednesday Thoughts

  1. dawnkinster says:

    I have been battling the same swimsuit war this past winter/spring. Luckily all my trips have been cancelled so I haven’t had to go out in what I have. BUT I still hope to make it to AL this summer sometime. I’m going to wear what I have too. Because, like you, I am enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoy your holiday! I don’t own a swimsuit and would have the same issues following my mastectomy, but I don’t know if The Precious is waterproof! I’ve worn a bra and The Precious twice since my op in 2019 and actually feel more comfortable being uniboobal.


    • Carol says:

      I often wish I had had a double mastectomy. Life would be easier.


      • I asked about it at the time but it meant seeing a psychologist about my state of mind because they would be taking healthy tissue. This would delay the operation, the same as if I decided to have reconstruction. I just wanted it done, get the parasite out of my body and carry on with my life. It’s made no difference to who I am and Hubby certainly doesn’t love me any less because I’m missing a bit!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. lois says:

    ‘for those who matter, I am enough’–Carol, that is the best. Yes, you are. And we definitely need more mermaids.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karma says:

    Good for you Carol. As women we have the struggle with bathing suit season at all ages I think. Never think we look good. I’ve been coming to terms with the fact that I am no longer the svelte young thing I used to be and just do my best to feel comfortable with whatever I choose to wear. Have a wonderful time on your vacation!

    Liked by 1 person

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