Share Your World – 2015 Week 8

Somehow it got to be Monday again – already – and Monday brings Cee and her challenge to share our worlds. Not only is it Monday again – already – it is the last week of another month. How in the world did that happen so quickly?! I think I don’t like time passing so quickly. Cee’s questions this week are going to be a little harder for me to answer, but here goes.

1. Your favorite blog post that you have written? (add link) I don’t know. Do I have a favorite? I’d have to go back to day 1, five years ago WordPress tells me, to reread every post I’ve written and then make a choice. Problem is, some of those years are gone – well, okay, all of those years are gone now, but some of those posts have been lost in my moving from the original host of my blog to my own website and then to Counting that first host, I’ve actually been blogging for more than five years. Off and on. So what all of this jabber comes down to is that I don’t know, I have no idea. I have to beg off on this one.

2. What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $500? Why? Another hard question! $500 wouldn’t be enough to do one of the things that would give me the most pleasure, and that would be to install new flooring throughout the house. It also wouldn’t be enough to take a couple of months and do a driving tour through Europe. Or the United Kingdom. Or both. Maybe I could take my closest friends for a long weekend in Portland – something we haven’t done for a few years. Why? Because I think I’m having this old age crisis that makes me want to spend time with loved ones in places I like or would like to get to know. So what this answer tells you is that I’m apparently not very altruistic – I should want to save the world or house and feed the homeless. Sadness.

3. If you could know the answer to any question, besides โ€œWhat is the meaning of life?โ€, what would it be? I guess maybe I’d like to know why – wait, is wanting to know why the same as knowing the answer to any question? Close enough, I think. So – I’d want to know why it is that in the time of our lives that we have the energy to explore the world and learn about new places and cultures, climb mountains and dive into the deep sea, we must work to earn the money to do these things – but by the time we earn the money to do these things, we no longer have the energy and the body parts are not as cooperative as they once were. So maybe the question is: Why is it we either have the time and energy to do things or we have the money to do things or but never do those both come at the same time?

4. Where do you eat breakfast? Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to eat out, but rarely do I go out for breakfast these days. So when I do get around to eating breakfast, it’s usually something like a bagel and cream cheese or instant oatmeal or granola or a banana or whatever is quick and easy. Most often I eat it in my morning room. Sometimes I fix breakfast for dinner, which is always eaten in my family room in front of the TV. My dining table is for folding clothes and piling things nowadays.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am grateful for a day out with friends, I am grateful for the sunshine, I am grateful for kisses from my furry girls. I am looking forward to continuing to get up each morning to see what that day brings.

As is my custom, a few photos from this past week:

A sunset
Ready to pounce on whatever is at the bottom of the slope
The Clark’s Nutcrackers were back in force a couple of days this past week; this one came close enough to become a subject for my camera.

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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8 Responses to Share Your World – 2015 Week 8

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Two weeks in a row you answered on Monday. You are setting a record Carol ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing.


  2. Carol โ€” I enjoy breakfast for dinner, too. The photo of Lily ready-to-pounce is fantastic!


  3. Heather says:

    Those are hard questions. I’d have to not answer a few of them, too. But man what a light show. I’m grateful for your sunset. And your grass.


  4. Phaena says:

    Very thought provoking question indeed and thank you for sharing your beautiful sunset.: )


  5. Number 3. I’m with you! What the heck! Huh? I’d like to hike, and run, and travel the U.S. And start up scholarships. And throw all of my clothes away and start from scratch. Ok. That ones not as important.
    Have a fabulous day, Carol.


  6. Lovely pictures. We had some Cedar waxwings visit the yard this week! I am very excited because that means the winter will soon be over. Like you my dining table is for folding clothes and doing bills but some days I clear a space large enough for my peanut butter toast, coffee and kindle.


  7. Kathy says:

    Gosh, I would have trouble picking a favorite blog post, too. How the heck are you supposed to remember them all? By the way, Carol, I find myself looking at some of your Oregon pics with MUCH more interest these days. ๐Ÿ™‚ My girl just bought a car last night. What a lot of things to do when you move to a new place from across the country.


    • Carol says:

      There was a blog or two I did when we “girls”spent a long weekend in Portland that would show you a bit, but that was in 2011 and is not showing now. In July of 2014 the kids and I were there for a couple of days, but those posts don’t show a lot about the city. It’s quite different from NYC.


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