In the Morning, it’s the Cats

My cup of tea

My cup of tea

In the mornings, after my two cups of coffee, I switch to tea. About the same time that I switch to tea, the Lily kitty shows up – the Twiggy kitty having been enjoying lap time whenever she can find my lap not occupied by iPad and keyboard.

Lily preens, Twiggy has a mission

Lily preens, Twiggy has a mission

My animals think the morning room has a revolving door. If it is not the big furry girls asking to go out, and then asking to come in so they can ask to go out again, it is the little furry girls.

Mom, I need out

Mom, I need out

As if I have nothing else to do. My mission – should I choose to accept it – is to open doors, close doors, open doors, close doors, pet heads, allow lap space for those who wish to occupy it. If I choose not to accept this mission, those furry girls will make sure I hear about it. Loud and long.

Mom, I need in.

Mom, I need in.

I consider it my morning exercise. Not the kind that really increases the heart rate, except when I’m mid-sentence in something I’m writing, and they require immediate attention. IMMEDIATE!!!! Delays are seldom tolerated.


However, when it is nap time for any of the furry girls, they are not to be disturbed. If they are, I’ll hear about it. Loud and long.

Who the heck made these rules? And why is it my furry girls get away with a lot more than my real human children did?

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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24 Responses to In the Morning, it’s the Cats

  1. Carol – I enjoyed looking at your photographs! The companion animals at our house rule the roost, too. We’ve been tempted through the years to install a doggie door, but that means that other critters can help themselves in/out too, so we haven’t done it. Plus our girls are big: Willa is an Irish Wolfhound and Lexi is a Standard Poodle. It’d have to be a heck of a big door!


    • Carol says:

      Laurie, that’s exactly why we don’t have a doggie door, that concern about what might visit in the dark of night. We do live in a rural area, after all.

      Sent from my iPad


  2. Nice post, Carol. I really enjoy reading your posts. You’re a very good writer, someone who obviously writes how they think/talk. I admire that. Love the pics of your kitties, too!


  3. Sheri B says:

    Great post, Carol. Several years ago I heard a comic state that if alien life came to our planet, they would be sure that dogs ruled. Why else would humans be following along behind them and picking up their poop??


  4. lisa says:

    Dogs have masters, but cats have staff….but it sounds like your dogs have staff as well! I know all about open/close doors as Tanner has had tummy troubles, which resulted in needing to go outside every hour and a half for the past two nights!


  5. Lynne Ayers says:

    That’s why we have pets – so we can spoil them the way we shouldn’t spoil our kids. Pets fill an innate need to talk cutsie-poo and snuggle.


  6. SuziCate says:

    It’s just something about those furry babies that makes us spoil them!


  7. Colleen says:

    I sometimes think they have powers that are far beyond ours, we are under their spell 🙂


  8. Joanne says:

    This made me laugh Carol, as it is exactly the same in my house, with my four girls, three fury and one feathered. Do they think it’s a game that perhaps we like to play? They couldn’t possibly need to go in and out as many times as they say they do, so I think that they think that we like this game and they are doing us a favoure by playing it with us! Love the photos. 🙂


  9. Kathy says:

    Sounds like a lazy lovely morning. Kind of makes me miss our long departed cats. Kinda…


  10. dawnkinster says:

    Oh for sure the fur kids made the rules. They are universal rules…Katie follows them as well.


  11. Heather says:

    Our furry children are also exceptionally demanding, but they are inside-only, so we don’t open and close doors repeatedly for them. Instead, we make places so they can both fit on the couch at the same time, turn the faucet on and off, throw toys for them to chase but not return. Yes, we are trained well too 😉


  12. I used to have cats and was never fond of them for this reason! I’m very headstrong and so are they, and it was always a battle to see who was boss! 🙂


  13. Beautiful girls! Those tortoiseshell’s sure can make noise. They do have cat doors that can be activated with a key fob that hangs on a collar. It will allow only the cats wearing them to go in and out.


  14. Dawn says:

    How are things way over there this morning Carol?


  15. This made me smile–and miss my kitties!


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