Hormones Dwindle, Chin Hairs Appear

As we gain years, the chemistry of our bodies changes. Hormones dwindle – unwanted hairs appear, primarily on the chin. Stubborn, tough little hairs appear on the chin. Waving in the breeze, shining in the sun, calling attention to their existence. Annoying they are. The battle with those wayward little hairs is ongoing – it is often hard to find them in the mirror (although one can certainly feel them with the fingers) so tweezing is not an effective solution. Nair seems unable to stand up to the toughness of these little hairs. Waxing is a consideration, but would I have the tolerance to let them grow long enough for waxing to be effective? I doubt it.

But there are things in this life more vexing than those chin hairs, although sometimes I doubt the truth of that statement. Dishes that continually reappear in the sink, although I have just emptied it; laundry bins that continually refill themselves, although I could swear I just emptied them; muddy puppy prints on the floors, dust on the flat surfaces, dog hairs on the sofa and chairs – husbands who think the wife should prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The list goes on.

Then there are the slightly annoying, but mostly very funny things that spice up the days.

20130217-102737.jpg There is this basket of yarn that sits on the lower shelf of a table in our family room, there for its decorative value.

20130217-102826.jpg There is the occasional escape of a ball of yarn from that basket. I suspect the ball of yarn had some assistance in making that escape.

20130217-102918.jpg There is the Twiggy, who says “not me, Mom”, and I believe her, because Twiggy’s attacks are more likely to be focused on area rugs that roll up quite nicely if dealt with properly.

20130217-103038.jpg And then there is Lily, whose attempt at looking innocent fools no one. Little girl, we know it was you! Little girl, you cannot hide the twinkle in those eyes.

While the vexing little chin hairs wave at the world and shine in the sun and the sinks and laundry bins refill themselves, there is evidence of these little adventures – little adventures that bring a chuckle to my lips and gladness to my heart.

Another example of enough, don’cha think?

About Carol

I'm me - nothing unusual, just me. Widowed, 2 grown children who are my best friends, retired, loving being retired. I am woman, I am strong.
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12 Responses to Hormones Dwindle, Chin Hairs Appear

  1. I concur – a prime example. Twiggy’s green eyes, the picture of incense. Just look at the mischief in Lily’s eyes; they scream, “Bring it on!”


  2. Cee Neuner says:

    You babies are so adorable!!!


  3. Colleen says:

    Those little adventures that fill the day are what add color and texture and smiles, if not outright laughter, to the day. I love the thought of this Carol. And your ode to those vexing chin hairs has me laughing out loud 🙂


  4. For a minute there I thought you were talking about chin hair on the cats!


  5. Heather says:

    Isn’t it funny how you don’t have to see the cat do it, but you know which one it was? Our little girl opens up any doors she can, and assists gravity as often as possible. Our boy drags blankets and pillows all over the house. Silly things.
    Wish I didn’t have the same rascal filling up my laundry and creating dust. If you ever figure out how to discipline that little guy, let me know 😉


  6. Dawn says:

    Chin hairs. sigh. Best to ignore as long as possible…along with dishes in sink and laundry in baskets! Yarn, cats and perhaps spouse…those are more important. 🙂


  7. I remember my mom would worry the chin hairs until I could come home from college and help her tweeze them. Now I’ve got my own little garden that needs weeding.


  8. Wow! I could’ve written those exact words! Love all your photos ~ especially the basket of yarn and the ball of yarn. The kitties are as adorable as ever too! Lily is precious! Look at that face!


  9. Jayne says:

    Aww…Twiggy reminds me *so* much of our dear little Pepsi (with us 21 years).


  10. Kathy says:

    Oh my gosh, Carol, are we REALLY talking about chin hairs in public? lol! Young’uns like Heather haven’t yet been there, I’ll bet. I’m keeping mum. Just pass those tweezers…


  11. Lynne Ayers says:

    Just how long have you been living in my house Carol – ? (and damn those chin hairs)


  12. lisa says:

    You always have a way of bringing a chuckle and gladness to my world!


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